Every Sunday morning, the congregation at Trinity joins together to worship God at 10:30 AM. This amazing worship service not only unites us as a church family, but also directs our focus toward God in reverence and praise.

Our 10:30 AM service features both contemporary and traditional elements of worship. During this hour long service, the congregation participates in the reading and proclaiming of the scriptures, spoken and silent prayer, music both sung and heard, a time to make our offerings to God, as well as a sermon led by Pastor Steve. The children also participate in Children’s Time during the worship service. The congregation strives to offer a “blended” worship experience designed to touch persons of all ages.   Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month.  Our worship service is available Live Streaming on this website.

Opportunities to Participate

Adult Handbells:   Rehearsal on Wednesdays at 6 p.m.

Adult Choir:   Rehearsal on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Liturgist:  Every Sunday, a member of the congregation leads the rest of the congregation in important aspects of the worship service.