Sunday School Classes
Sunday School meets at 9:30 a.m. and concludes in time for our 11:30 a.m. worship service. Currently, we offer four Sunday School classes:
Koinonia class
The Koinonia class is a seminar-based gathering that is currently studying Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship. Participants can join the class in the Parlor or via Zoom.
Women’s Sunday School
The Women’s Sunday School class meets at 9:30 a.m. in the library. In addition to seeking greater understanding of God’s Word, we share joys and concerns and enjoy fellowship with one another.
Nursery Care
If you have a little one (0-4 years old), nursery care is available upon request. Diane Jewell is eager to sing, play with, and entertain your children, so you can worship God without worry or distraction. Please let Diane or the Greeter know you would like to make use of our nursery care.
Digging Deeper Small Group
There are two important ways we immerse ourselves in the Word of God. One way is through the sermon during our gathered times of worship. The other is through personal and corporate Bible Study. To this end, and in addition to the other Sunday school classes we offer, Pastor Steve leads this study as we dig deeper into the Bible passage for next week’s sermon. We gather on Monday mornings at 10 AM in the Library.
Presbyterian Women
Learn more about Circle and other TPW groups by clicking here.